Rummy Passion, India’s Most Loved Rummy App, has updated its Instant Withdrawals feature, expanding accessibility to a broader audience. This update now enables users in the Silver Tier, the basic level, to instantly withdraw their winnings directly into their bank accounts.
Previously, the Instant Withdrawals feature was limited to Gold Tier, Platinum Tier, and Black Tier users. However, with this recent upgrade, Silver Tier users can also benefit from this feature. To qualify for Instant Withdrawals, players need to complete KYC verification, make a successful deposit, and maintain a collusion-free gaming record on Rummy Passion.
Gagan Kharbanda, COO of Passion Gaming, said: “As part of our ongoing commitment to improving user experience, Rummy Passion is delighted to introduce this change. We firmly believe that it will not only enhance the overall gaming experience but also establish Rummy Passion as the preferred choice for rummy enthusiasts. In the current evolving landscape of online gaming in India, we are committed to elevating the gameplay experience for our players by offering features like Instant Withdrawals to users across all tiers and a 100% GST Cash Bonus on every deposit.”